Disinherits [verb]

Definition of Disinherits:

cut off in will of bequeathal

Synonyms of Disinherits:

Opposite/Antonyms of Disinherits:

Sentence/Example of Disinherits:

Simeon had threatened to disinherit Barry; and Barry had called his father a d––––d obstinate old fool.

So, much against his will, he was obliged to disinherit the young man, and to forbid him to come to court.

Lopez did not suppose that the old man would disinherit his son altogether,—did not, perhaps, wish it.

However, I heartily hope his uncle will disinherit him, for he's a poor fool as well as a sorry fellow.

Did he hope that Mr. Carvel, in a fit of anger, would disinherit me when he found I had deceived him?

It must not be inferred from the previous statement that a testator has no power to disinherit or cut off a child.

I believe he is alive, and that if I disinherit him I shall commit a sin.'

A thought came to me that Garret Dawson had not had time to disinherit his son after all.

Shantanu could not consent to disinherit Satanava, son of Ganga, and went away with a heavy heart.

I have before now said, that I will disinherit you, and settle all I can upon her, if you prove not a good husband to her.