Disrelishing [verb]

Definition of Disrelishing:


Synonyms of Disrelishing:

Opposite/Antonyms of Disrelishing:


Sentence/Example of Disrelishing:

Katherine had ascribed it to the natural disrelish of Ferdinand now to be introduced to anyone.

By studying the old authors, he improved his taste, and acquired a disrelish for French literature.

It was with some feeling of disrelish that I accepted Hawkins' shoulder, to assist me in steadying myself on this unwonted leg.

The height of her esteem for Urquhart was the measure of her growing disrelish for James.

Pretty women of late years approached the captain in his fatherly capacity, much to his disrelish.

I should think that Croker would not disrelish a sight of these light little humorous things, and may be indulged now and then.

For here the morbid disrelish of the sated palate is cleansed away.

His disrelish for any other society has become inveterate: he cannot keep awake in any other.

He took an emphatic liking to the not too brainy colonel, and a new disrelish to his almost too sparkling wife.

He looked up and down the uneven street, at the huddle of cabanas to either side, in incontainable disrelish and vast pity.