Dissever [verb]
Definition of Dissever:
Synonyms of Dissever:
Sentence/Example of Dissever:
But—and I forbear to lead up to it artistically—I dissever myself from your chariot wheels.
So the man was able to dissever the ghastly head and thus to slay the monstrous dragon.
Secrecy and guilt go so perpetually together, that it is almost difficult for the mind to dissever them.
You can dissever none of these facts one from the other, and we now approach the “one man principle.”
Like a white dove, the soul hovered for a moment above this body, of which the exhausted materials were about to dissever.
From this time the chief interest of his career lies in his judicial work, but he did not wholly dissever himself from politics.
He then corded it so firmly that it would require both industry and patience to dissever the several knots and twistings.
The Muslim might dissever heads as carelessly as he plucked an orange, they were those of unbelievers, not of girls.
For himself, of course he loved knowledge; yet he would not dissever it from its value in the art of living.
I had recourse to the expedient of spreading my letters on a dry towel and draining them before attempting to dissever the leaves.