Dogmatic [adjective]
Definition of Dogmatic:
dictatorial, opinionated
Synonyms of Dogmatic:
Opposite/Antonyms of Dogmatic:
Sentence/Example of Dogmatic:
Not only did he neglect to acknowledge that major aspects of his 1899 “The Interpretation of Dreams” had already been articulated by earlier 19th-century pioneers in dream research, he also presented his conclusions in dogmatic and categorical terms.
Many in the West construe Hong Kong through equally dogmatic lenses.
They adore him, partly because he’s hardly the dogmatic type.
We don’t know if it’s because of politics or dogmatic scientists who refuse to let go of droplets.
It took us into a much more enriching journey, to be honest, than to just sort of be dogmatic about the chase or the case.
I will not say that he never showed himself dogmatic and ill-informed, but he was no longer obtrusive and uncharitable.
They are based upon family papers said to be now in possession of the Charleston Dogmatic Directory.
And in enforcing this cardinal truth he is dogmatic and dictatorial, as a prophet and ambassador of the Most High should be.
Her implicit belief in and obedience to him have increased his self-confidence into a dogmatic assertion of infallibility.
In some of its articles Mazzini appears at his best,—more tolerant, less dogmatic and theoretical.