Dowser [noun]
Definition of Dowser:
forked branch used to locate underground water or minerals
Synonyms of Dowser:
Opposite/Antonyms of Dowser:
Sentence/Example of Dowser:
These modes possibly include that which moves the dowser's rod.
What then is the secret of the dowser's often remarkable success?
The dowser was a retired miller, and came provided with a number of forked twigs.
But directly that he came to the spots the dowser had found the twig showed vigorous signs of animation.
The instinct of an infallible dowser possessed him, and he made no mistakes.
Is this due to any special faculty in the dowser, or has the twig itself anything to do with it?
My dowser then found a small shack on the map where a communicator to the ship would be.
She'd evidently had the dowser go over the list of twenty-two dominated planets.
To-day, however, the common belief is that the name is derived from the magic power of the 'Dowser' or Water-Finder.
The dowser, I should add, is not hypnotised before he finds the water.