Drolleries [noun]

Definition of Drolleries:


Synonyms of Drolleries:

Opposite/Antonyms of Drolleries:

Sentence/Example of Drolleries:

No stanza of the poem is more replete than this with a vein of painfully sarcastic drollery.

The pen can give but a shadow of the drollery and devilry of the sweet, merry rogues that hailed the smiling morn.

There was a kind of drollery about Mrs. Freke, which, with some people, made the odd things she said pass for wit.

All of which drollery concluded with his announcement of place and date of his lecture, with still further gaiety at the end.

He seemed to have a naïve spirit of drollery, and he related quite amusingly an experience of his railway journey.

How ready each to take the jest against himself, and even heighten its flavor by some new touch of drollery.

Evidently the serious-talking young radical had a vein of drollery under his thoughtful exterior.

This idea is developed with more drollery than delicacy in the tale in question.

But, notwithstanding his rather clumsy drollery, she soon discovered a greatness in the man for which she was wholly unprepared.

Jerry delivered her polite emendation with irresistible drollery.