Dryad [noun]

Definition of Dryad:

female nature spirit

Synonyms of Dryad:

Opposite/Antonyms of Dryad:


Sentence/Example of Dryad:

"It should have opened and imprisoned you, as a truant dryad," said he.

Then in a flash Rhcus remembered his promise to the Dryad, and throwing away his dice, he hurried to the trysting-place.

Dryad spun about and threw her head far on one side to scan the whole bare room.

"You can't help not being a dryad," she said, and now she smiled, and her smile transformed her face as sunlight does a landscape.

You can almost fancy it some dryad decked for her bridal, in maidenly day-dreaming too lovely to last.

The girl looked like a dryad who had stolen out of the heart of a tree to catch an image of herself in the water.

She had the look of a dryad at odds with the world, a whimsical and elfish intellectual.

She is the union of the pastoral and romantic with the classical and poetical, as if a dryad of the woods had turned shepherdess.

Even before Aurora had quitted the ocean I was already in the grove sporting with my amiable Dryad.

One day that I was playing with my Dryad in the wood, she tenderly patted my cheeks and said, Press your lips against mine.