Envois [noun]

Definition of Envois:

final performance

Opposite/Antonyms of Envois:


Sentence/Example of Envois:

At the end of nearly every section he adds an envoi of his own to drive home the moral more surely.

Guynemer's biography is of such a nature that it must seem like a poem: why not, then, conclude it with an envoi?

Mais je ne voulais que vous remercier et rpondre votre envoi.

It is composed of five strophes, identical in arrangement, of eleven verses each, and of an envoi of five verses.

The absence of an envoi will be noticed in Chaucer's, as in most of the medieval English ballades.

The culmination of a speech is in its peroration; of a poem in its incorporated envoi.

"I will try to remember the last stanza and the envoi as we go along," added Victor.

Followed the beat of lessening footfalls, while the nightingale improvised an envoi.

Mais voil qu'aujourd'hui votre aimable envoi renouvelle le souvenir de notre union troite et en resserre encore les liens.

The omission of the moral envoi from so many of his maturer creations strengthens one in this surmise.