Epicureanisms [noun]

Definition of Epicureanisms:


Synonyms of Epicureanisms:

Opposite/Antonyms of Epicureanisms:

Sentence/Example of Epicureanisms:

This highest class begins usually with Stoicism, and ends with Epicureanism.

None the less his writings were committed to memory and remained the text-books of Epicureanism to the last.

Lucretius is a proof, if any were needed, that Epicureanism is compatible with nobility of soul.

The fundamental postulates of Epicureanism are atoms and the void (ἄτομα καὶ κενόν).

It can hardly be denied that as compared with the dogmas against which it reacted there is an element of truth in Epicureanism.

This characteristic, however, is the key to the chief differences between Epicureanism and the more nave hedonism of Aristippus.

Turning from particular ideas to the rule of life that the book proposes, we find a crystal-line Epicureanism.

Miss Defourchet belonged to a family to whom the ease that money gives and a certain epicureanism of taste were natural.

Under such experience his early Epicureanism dissolved—it had always been too genial to be the true kind.

In her day, Epicureanism had not reached the life of the people, nor passed into the education of the mob.