Essayist [noun]
Definition of Essayist:
composer of written work
Synonyms of Essayist:
Opposite/Antonyms of Essayist:
Sentence/Example of Essayist:
Richard Cumberland died; eminent as a British poet, essayist, novelist and dramatic writer.
Bonnell Thornton died; an English poet, essayist and miscellaneous writer, and translator of Plautus.
The indignation of our essayist is without doubt most powerfully aroused at the inadvertent use that was made of the sacred name.
Here the essayist recited an infinite amount of detail about the distress at home, giving the conversation and the actions.
Every writer—essayist, poet, and novelist—preached in those days.
I once knew a man who was a complete essayist at heart but a city editor by profession.
In my opinion the fascinating essayist, Mallock, has written the best of all apologies for theism.
The essayist usually has some information to impart, some argument to present, or some conclusion to be reached.
We would not agree with the doctrines of the essayist on account of the elegance with which they were urged.
Let us not be surprised if the Essayist grew a trifle delirious.