Fascinate [verb]

Definition of Fascinate:

captivate, hold spellbound

Synonyms of Fascinate:

Opposite/Antonyms of Fascinate:

Sentence/Example of Fascinate:

I have always been fascinated by enmeshed relationships, I think is not an unfair way of putting it.

After some 400 million years of evolution, spiders’ forms and uses of silk fascinate researchers like Greco, who are looking for new materials.

Another topic that’s long fascinated me, also having to do with the mind, is memory.

Krans’s interest in aviation goes back to the 1980s, when his dad, a machinist fascinated by engineering and innovative planes, would sometimes bring home jet models.

I’m also fascinated by Honey’s story of managing a chronic pain condition in the midst of a pandemic, especially when so many of their symptoms present similarly to Covid-19 symptoms.

Given that context, I was fascinated by this new survey from JPMorgan, which Emma reported on this morning.

She was fascinated by the way his work connected this already canonical shape to even more widespread parts of mathematics.

He was fascinated by those “well-muscled laborers” but he didn’t quite know why until he was an adolescent.

Jesus Mehta was always fascinated by drums and wanted to learn how to play them.

I’d always been fascinated by makeup, even working as a makeup artist during nursing school, and the field of aesthetics seemed to tie my two passions, nursing and makeup artistry, together nicely.