Frivolously [adverb]

Definition of Frivolously:

gently, effortlessly

Opposite/Antonyms of Frivolously:

Sentence/Example of Frivolously:

One British general frivolously put it, “I am afraid that the dear old Church has missed the bus this trip.”

Certainly he did not spend his money frivolously, and he never had done so.

How could he himself pay court to her when she frivolously, if only for the moment, preferred this commoner's company?

Surely his life up to this time had not been so frivolously classical as to cause him any deserved regrets.

The hesitancy is because the word and its relationship are spoken of lightly, frivolously, so much, even in good circles.

In the struggle which now begins—a deadly grapple frivolously conjured up by Russia's monarch—the whole earth will groan.

You have heard of people whistling as they passed a graveyard, and perhaps you thought that they were frivolously light-hearted?

“And will look like a rented dress suit on any one else,” added Madeline frivolously.

He who cannot find the way to HIS ideal, lives more frivolously and shamelessly than the man without an ideal.

"Your demon is a pretty specimen of her kind," says Hardinge, a little frivolously under the circumstances it must be confessed.