Grouchy [adjective]

Definition of Grouchy:

complaining, irritable

Synonyms of Grouchy:

Opposite/Antonyms of Grouchy:

Sentence/Example of Grouchy:

This post admirably suited Grouchy, who was a horseman by nature and a cavalry soldier by instinct.

At Moskowa his cuirassiers, sabre in hand, drove the Russians out of the great redoubt, but Grouchy himself was seriously wounded.

Unfortunately, the Duke refused the opportunity to escape which was offered him, and Grouchy had to make him a prisoner.

He had an ingrowing toe nail, which sometimes made him grouchy and sour, so he was dubbed Pickles.

Before this, Marshal Grouchy had likewise expired in his eighty-first year.

We drank the coffee brought to us before dawn, in grouchy, sleepy, monosyllabic silence.

In this case his Lordship had been grouchy, and everybody's pleasure had been spoiled.

Napoleon made a miscalculation, as most critics think, in giving Grouchy so large a force.

Moreover one corps, Ziethen's, took a parallel road further to the north, entirely out of Grouchy's reach.

But when Grouchy heard of the total defeat of the emperor, he naturally thought only of regaining France.