Gruesomeness [noun]
Definition of Gruesomeness:
Opposite/Antonyms of Gruesomeness:
Sentence/Example of Gruesomeness:
Later in the evening Jenny Wick accompanied Paul, as he sang some old ballads full of a kind of academic gruesomeness.
After this knotty question was settled an incident almost incredible in its awful gruesomeness took place.
So much is certain, however, that in the matter of eyes being gouged out, an absolute mania of gruesomeness broke loose.
I had resolved, on the morning of my marriage, to put behind me all thought of the mysteries and gruesomeness of the past.
It is a revenge play with a ghost, combining Senecan gruesomeness with the motives of romantic comedy.
The emptiness and disarray of the little room, flooded by the sunbeams, were producing in Trent a sense of gruesomeness.
Not even the famous St Bartholomew can compete with this in horror, in gruesomeness.
The old fellow's succinct report gave to the burial of the victim of the night's encounter an added gruesomeness.
We have been friends from the beginning: to us are grief, gruesomeness, and ground common; even the sun is common to us.
She was fond of realism in every form, and did not stick at gruesomeness.