Gruffest [adjective]
Definition of Gruffest:
bad-tempered, rude
Synonyms of Gruffest:
● Dour
● Crusty
● Offhand
● Brusque
● Surly
● Grumpy
● Blunt
● Nasty
● Abrupt
● Boorish
● Churlish
● Crabby
● Crude
● Curt
● Fierce
● Grouchy
● Impolite
● Morose
● Rough
● Short
● Snappy
● Snippy
● Sour
● Sullen
● Uncivil
● Crabbed
● Bearish
Opposite/Antonyms of Gruffest:
Sentence/Example of Gruffest:
As they were passing a place where the bushes grew thickly by the side of the road, they received a gruff command to halt.
The fact was that Benny himself did not know why he liked this stranger who was so gruff at times and so pleasant at others.
Even the gruff, grumpy, unsociable rhinoceros amiably allowed him to stroke its head with his trunk.
He spoke angrily, and no longer in a low tone, but gruff and loud enough to be heard some distance away.
"Salam Aliekoom," said a gruff voice, as a man with Peer Khan entered the tent.
Having jumped about David noisily, but without offering violence, they passed on in obedience to a gruff command.
And the gruff voice of the drayman, growing impatient in the antechamber: "Come, come, make haste."
"You may be thankful if you don't get those two young alligators in the other tank," said a gruff-voiced adjutant.
An invisible frog awoke his water-side orchestra into sharp chirpings with a gruff note.
He is grim and gruff; his voice is deep, and he has rough words for those who falter in duty; but he has a tender heart.