Heavens [noun]
Definition of Heavens:
place where god lives; wonderful feeling
Synonyms of Heavens:
● Nirvana
● Paradise
● Kingdom
● Upstairs
● Rapture
● Ecstasy
● Sky
● Bliss
● Harmony
● Eternity
● Felicity
● Glory
● Empyrean
● Utopia
● Azure
● Beyond
● Canaan
● Heights
● Zion
● Arcadia
● Elysium
● The blue
Sentence/Example of Heavens:
The world may end, the heavens fall, yet loving voices would still find an echo in the ruins of the universe.
Under all man's dreams of eternal gods and eternal heavens lies man's passion for the eternal feminine.
You may look again and again, and see millions of suns and systems spread out across the heavens like rivers of living gems.
The shell question is serious although, in this respect, thank Heavens, the French are quite well found.
The long dry fingers of the palm trees rattled overhead, and looking up, he saw the divine light of the starry heavens.
I made the earth: and I created man upon it: my hand stretched forth the heavens, and I have commanded all their host.
Everything looked bright on earth, and in the heavens, in the early flush of that lovely June morning.
For as the heavens are exalted above the earth, so are my ways exalted above your ways, and my thoughts above your thoughts.
It was a chill, blustering day, and although the rain held off, the heavens were black with the promise of more to come.
"Heavens knows what we have swallowed," muttered Gwynne, who had served on sanitary boards and heard much talk of germs.