Hollow [adjective]

Definition of Hollow:

empty, hollowed out

Synonyms of Hollow:

Opposite/Antonyms of Hollow:

Sentence/Example of Hollow:

Even our hospitals are being taken over and hollowed out by Wall Street.

For some, the announcement back in March that he would pick a woman started to ring hollow the longer the search dragged on.

These hornets nest in hollow trees and cozy nooks within walls.

He liked to play in a hollow tree where insect-eating bats used to live.

The explanation for these landmines mainly related to the use of hollow cast iron balls that were presumably filled with gunpowder.

Thicker or hollow materials are better at radiating heat than thin, solid materials, Yu says.

The next instruments discovered in use among the Indians were straight, hollow reeds and forked canes.

It lit up every ridge and hollow for two or three seconds, and showed me four riders tearing up the slope at a high run.

The formula would be: “The pump invented—Drain a well ,” or Water raised in a hollow.

But, just as they were piling some more leaves in the hollow stump, they heard many voices of men shouting in the woods.