Infers [verb]

Definition of Infers:


Synonyms of Infers:

Opposite/Antonyms of Infers:

Sentence/Example of Infers:

And on this ground he infers that geometrical figures really exist, because they can be distinctly conceived.

The labourer, he infers, should have the value which he creates.

The scriptural character of their contents infers the perpetual obligation of these Covenants.

Before criticising this proof, from which Bahya infers more than is legitimate, we must prove the three original assumptions.

It derives general rules, makes premises and infers one thing from another.

From this one infers that it is a bad road, and in truth it is very bad; automobilists will not like it.

Our author infers from the words of Jeremiah that there was an inherent decay in the former covenant.

But he infers that Sir Richard, when at the villa, lives in retirement—that he is subject to fits of melancholy.

Each side reads admitted truths into its own dialect, and infers that its own dialect affords the only valid expression.

And as the Siberian dogs are so very moderately fed, he infers that excess, not want, generates the morbid habit.