Inflection [noun]

Definition of Inflection:

accent, intonation

Synonyms of Inflection:

Opposite/Antonyms of Inflection:

Sentence/Example of Inflection:

Robotics will continue to advance its capabilities, and will take over more human jobs as it does so, but it’s unlikely we’ll hit a dramatic inflection point that could be described as a “revolution.”

“It’s almost exponential when you compare the curves in the spring and the curves in the summer with the inflection of the curve where we are right now,” Fauci said.

Withiam says an inflection point could also arrive if an industry giant like Blizzard Entertainment decided to use a tool like Flow.

We’re at a very serious inflection point in the history of this country.

Companies like Starz are already near that inflection point, and Disney et al.

The mid 20th century was an inflection point in a number of profound chemical and stratigraphic changes in the Earth system.

Practise gliding in the form of inflection, or slide, from one extreme of pitch to another.

"The old king" and "this one" they say with an inflection of voice anything but flattering to the latter.

The name signifies little thunder, being a compound from Annimikee, thunder, and the diminutive inflection in us.

The distinction between the active and passive voice, in the Odjibwa language, is formed by the inflection ego.