Knave [noun]

Definition of Knave:


Synonyms of Knave:

Opposite/Antonyms of Knave:


Sentence/Example of Knave:

Sometimes necessity makes an honest man a knave: and a rich man a honest man, because he has no occasion to be a knave.

He has drawn a knave and a six; he takes another card; this turns out to be an ace.

A witty knave bargained with a seller of lace in London for as much as would reach from one of his ears to the other.

Right; for your knave, when great folks have occasion for him, is received with little inquiry into his character.

Then, the sallow, black-haired knave who had last night proclaimed himself as Garnache in disguise was some impostor.

"On my word, here's a pretty knave," said the baron, taken aback by the coolness of the speaker.

Without an ace, four kings, two queens and a knave are required in order to justify the declaration.

It must be a king and knave or two queens above the average if there is protection in three suits.

Dismember me this animal, and return him in a basket to the base-born knave who sent him; other answer have I none!

As I was finishing this worke, an oyster-wife tooke exception against me and called me knave.