Loyally [adverb]
Definition of Loyally:
Opposite/Antonyms of Loyally:
Sentence/Example of Loyally:
If they were, the occasions were few and far between, as the companies generally loyally carried out the provisions of the Act.
But he did not give in without a struggle, and he fought loyally for the absent Dabbler, but the girls were inexorable.
It is an arrangement, loyally carried out, by which each party is allowed in turn to come into power.
Throughout the full extent of the city each shall render assistance to the other, loyally and to the best of his ability.
Their answer was respectful, but firmly and loyally expressive of their views and feelings.
It was proposed to raise some companies of Yezidis for the levy also, and they would serve British officers most loyally.
He would do his best, loyally and sincerely, with his whole heart.
And even those who had most poisonously grisled in their hearts against the man, now ran loyally to do his bidding.
So far as is known, with one or two unimportant exceptions, the other princes loyally accepted their new position.
Tiny, the terrier, looked very weary and travel-stained after much forced marching, which she had loyally undergone to the last.