Luxuriantly [adverb]
Definition of Luxuriantly:
Synonyms of Luxuriantly:
● Easily
● Right
● Smoothly
● Far
● Fully
● Quite
● Properly
● Freely
● Amply
● Entirely
● Greatly
● Heartily
● Highly
● Rather
● Readily
● Somewhat
● Suitably
● Wholly
Sentence/Example of Luxuriantly:
The plants grew luxuriantly, reaching a height of three feet, and each bearing nine ears, containing 22 pickles.
In Louisiana the tobacco plant flourishes well and grows as well and as luxuriantly as sugar cane.
All the fruits of southern Europe thrive luxuriantly in the warm regions of Peru.
Water-plants and lilies grew luxuriantly, throwing up large, rank, green leaves.
Moss and lichens grew luxuriantly and scores of snow petrels hovered around, but no eggs were seen.
The lecture room, the smoke room, the reading room, were all most luxuriantly fitted up.
We found the house all we could desire, warm, clean sweet, and fitted up almost luxuriantly.
Flowers bloom most luxuriantly, and intertwine themselves in and around the sculpture on all sides.
The graves are usually overgrown with long grasses and luxuriantly flowering plants.
Wherever you passed through a patch of wood in a low situation, there you found it growing luxuriantly.