Mesdemoiselles [noun]

Definition of Mesdemoiselles:

young female person

Synonyms of Mesdemoiselles:

Opposite/Antonyms of Mesdemoiselles:


Sentence/Example of Mesdemoiselles:

The son of Monseigneur will in the autumn marry Mademoiselle de Voincourt.

"Mademoiselle, I see, does not approve of such bourgeois diversions," said he.

First, Mademoiselle, I must decide whether I choose to be paid.

"Mademoiselle Gilder made a bargain with me yesterday," he said.

But without doubt Madame, Mademoiselle's friend had forgotten the hour.

No, no lady had visited Mademoiselle to-day: no one at all in effect.

They ask for Mademoiselle, are consternated when they learn of her departing.

It is not only Monsieur that occupies himself with Mademoiselle.

Yes—Mademoiselle had charged her to remit the billet to Monsieur.

I at once rose, and he continued, "Will you come into my office, Mademoiselle?"