Misapprehend [verb]

Definition of Misapprehend:

get the wrong idea, impression

Synonyms of Misapprehend:

Opposite/Antonyms of Misapprehend:

Sentence/Example of Misapprehend:

Doubtless he had seen too many drunken sailors to misapprehend their condition.

We should hope that no one can be dull enough to misapprehend their import.

Nor was it possible to misapprehend the meaning of what they beheld.

But it is also to misapprehend the real value of spirit as compared with matter.

They do not read them in a true light; they misapprehend them, both for good and evil.

To say this, however, is to misapprehend the real meaning of scruples.

"Again you misapprehend me," rejoined the voice, with perfect suavity.

"You misapprehend me, father; you often do," said Angel with a little impatience.

The men who composed it knew what they wished to say, and said it so clearly that nobody can misapprehend their meaning.

Mistaken means misapprehended; “you mistake,” means “you misapprehend.”