Nares [noun]
Definition of Nares:
smelling organ of animate being
Synonyms of Nares:
● Snout
● Beak
● Muzzle
● Snoot
● Bill
● Nostrils
● Adenoids
● Schnoz
● Snuffer
● Horn
● Sniffer
● Sneezer
● Whiffer
● Smeller
Opposite/Antonyms of Nares:
Sentence/Example of Nares:
This illustration was overlooked by Nares, to whose Glossary you refer.
Agreeing in this derivation, we do not admit Nares's explanation.
This was an offer too valuable to be disregarded, and was accepted by Captain Nares.
Why is the nares anteri the ruling center of tone direction?
What he and Nares talked about was of no particular consequence.
Nares shook his head, and there was a shadow of pain in his lean face.
He turned to Nares as if to invite his opinion, which was unhesitatingly offered him.
"In your case that is not a very unusual thing," and Nares laughed.
Nares was by no means perfect, and his face grew suddenly hard.
Nares also seemed to recognize that fact, for he smiled as he turned to his companion.