Ods [noun]
Definition of Ods:
coordinated outfit
Synonyms of Ods:
● Gown
● Regalia
● Attire
● Garb
● Costume
● Suit
● Robe
● Dress
● Habit
● Khaki
● Stripes
● OD
● Livery
Opposite/Antonyms of Ods:
Sentence/Example of Ods:
Ods bobs I have done so my self, and hope I shall do so still.
Ods bobs, thou wert an honest Thief, for that I faith he was.
Truly, I thought there had been one number more, because they say, Ods nouns.
Ods fish, I do not think a bad man would have slept so well.
Ods bobs, but I began to think you was ashamed of your relations.
Ods I'm so happy; and they shall see, now, what an old fellow can do at a wedding.
Ods fish, Morton, I could tell thee a tale of that; but 'tis a long one, and we have not time now.
Leland saith it riseth nere vnto Orton in Crauen, wherfore the ods is but little.
Tis ods but that I shal thrust thee through the buckler into the brain, that is through the conscience into the wit.
“Ods life, then we shall have to fight her after all,” exclaimed the colonel, with animation.