Painting [noun]

Definition of Painting:

work of art

Synonyms of Painting:

Opposite/Antonyms of Painting:


Sentence/Example of Painting:

Cimabue, the reviver of painting, received instruction from the Greeks.

In painting, we believe we possess a school second to none of modern art.

Two men look at it—the one with an expert knowledge of painting, the other with none.

I am not painting my early life as any darker than most lives.

Why all the painting that I have seen is but child's play beside this.

We can expect from him new words or a new method in the painting of passionate desire.

He did not notice it and kept steadily at work, painting his "brand" into a corner.

I have seen all I wanted, and I am capable of painting all I saw.

To the romance the novel is what photography is to painting.

Ariston was painting the walls of a room that overlooked the garden.