Palisade [noun]

Definition of Palisade:


Synonyms of Palisade:

Opposite/Antonyms of Palisade:


Sentence/Example of Palisade:

They shoot between the logs of the palisade down the narrow lane.

There is a gateway through this palisade where you can go in.

I doubled up on the top of the palisade and hung there, yelling with laughter.

I froze on to the nearest daku and ran to the palisade, shoving him in front of me.

The hunters were soon at the palisade door and admitted; they had no game with them.

He had scarcely spoken, when there was a loud shout from the palisade in front of them.

Jeanne was rather quiet all that day and did not go outside the palisade.

The children played about largely on the outside of the palisade.

A palisade in fortification; but for its naval application, see Reeming.

Against such an invasion the palisade was but an insufficient barrier.