Paralysis [noun]

Definition of Paralysis:

disinclination to move; lifelessness

Synonyms of Paralysis:

Opposite/Antonyms of Paralysis:

Sentence/Example of Paralysis:

One morning, as he was going downstairs, Orlando was stricken with paralysis.

He was not wordy, and he tarried but a moment, yet he explained his paralysis.

Just as the bonds of paralysis had broken, he had lost consciousness.

One day, when they were at church, he died of a second attack of paralysis.

Captain Cy dropped her hand as if his own had been struck with paralysis.

I didn't know but you'd been struck by walkin' paralysis or somethin'.

The doctor says it's a paralysis or appleplexy or somethin'.

He has had a stroke of paralysis, and there seem to be other complications.

And it seemed to him that a sort of paralysis had fallen on their wits.

Then, and not till then, did the paralysis of horror loose its grip on the human.