Piazza [noun]
Definition of Piazza:
Opposite/Antonyms of Piazza:
Sentence/Example of Piazza:
The Milbreys, father and son, came up and greeted the group on the piazza.
The old feller was sittin' on the piazza in a big rattan chair.
When he went out on the piazza he saw excitement among his comrades.
Though all cannot live on the piazza,” as the Tuscan proverb has it, “every one may feel the sun.
Will ye come in th' parlor, er had ye ruther set out on th' piazza?
I saw father go into the room a moment since, and grandpa's out on the piazza.
So she went into the house, procured a book, and sat on the piazza.
Neither father nor mother was on the piazza, as Polly had hoped they would be.
Somebody would always be getting scratched if they were on my piazza.
The piazza had been where it now was almost since Mr. Lumley could remember.