Plagiarism [noun]

Definition of Plagiarism:

copying of another's written work

Synonyms of Plagiarism:

Opposite/Antonyms of Plagiarism:

Sentence/Example of Plagiarism:

She borrowed it now in her hour of need, and laughed, unconscious of her plagiarism.

But it was when they charged him with plagiarism that his critics hit him on the raw.

The two match-boxes were just alike, but neither was a plagiarism.

Randal Leslie might be mean in his plagiarism, but he turned the useless into use.

Besides all this, there is the painful question of plagiarism.

He guessed a plagiarism of the matter, but the manner was obviously her own.

Plagiarism was seemingly proved by evoking the aid of the deadly parallel.

Lauder endeavoured to depreciate the fame of Milton by a charge of plagiarism.

There is no plagiarism in this semi-paralleling of a sublime thought.

I must cut them out, else some one would be sure to accuse me of plagiarism.