Playful [adjective]

Definition of Playful:

funny, fun-loving

Synonyms of Playful:

Opposite/Antonyms of Playful:

Sentence/Example of Playful:

All is still on a colossal scale, but playful, capricious, phantasmagoric.

How noisy and romping the brook was; how capricious, how playful, how furtive!

I am playful; playfulness is a part of my amiable character.

To call a man a turnip may be playful, but is seldom respectful.

And did she think,' said Mr Pecksniff, with a playful tightening of his grasp 'that she could!

The playful tone in which Mr. Montenero spoke, put me quite at my ease.

Pardon me, my dear and gracious Masters, this my playful letter.

The London "Times" tried its hand on it, but only in a playful way.

The genial, playful, puppyish side of him found little expression.

There seems to be a playful allusion in these words to mewian and cath, the mewing of a cat.