Preciousness [noun]
Definition of Preciousness:
great beauty
Synonyms of Preciousness:
Opposite/Antonyms of Preciousness:
Sentence/Example of Preciousness:
A tale for the young, illustrative of the preciousness of Scripture promises.
This she can do now and then; but even so her new lover has yet to learn her preciousness.
Let it be so, with an ever-growing sense of the preciousness of the work of intercession.
Now they wore a glamour and a preciousness that was bound up with life itself.
The idea of preciousness, as well as that of protection, is included in the word.
But, oh, the power and preciousness of those words, "I have prayed for thee!"
Can he have any just sense of its preciousness, its excellence, its moral glories?
The thought was sweet to her—precious with the preciousness of vengeance.
And will not the preciousness of the victor's wreath excuse some impatience in the struggle for it?
This is not due to any "preciousness," but to efforts at finding the only word that will say what I mean.