Pure [adjective]

Definition of Pure:

unmixed, genuine

Synonyms of Pure:

Opposite/Antonyms of Pure:

Sentence/Example of Pure:

It had the pure and placid expression of the human soul, when it dwells in love and peace.

A stream of water, pure as crystal, flowed along the path, from the summit to the base.

All sacredness and sweetness, all that was pure and brave and truthful, seemed to rest in her.

Often he cursed himself as a wretch for paining that pure and noble heart.

What a joy it was to get away from stuffy courts of justice into the pure Warwickshire air.

She was like the falling of this starlight, pure, aloof, and strange and gentle.

But my hands are red with his blood, and I can't touch your pure garments.

It was through her renunciation that he had grown so strong, so pure, so good.

We are pure nothings, concerning which speculation is not worth the trouble.

You wouldn't believe the vulgar things Harry would say out of pure fun!