Ragout [noun]

Definition of Ragout:


Synonyms of Ragout:

Opposite/Antonyms of Ragout:


Sentence/Example of Ragout:

Encircle this ragout with the fried cutlets, and crown with a cauliflower.

It was some sort of a ragout, he knew, and he lusted for it.

Odors of highly seasoned macaroni and ragout steamed from them.

A ragout was served before Formosanta, which her father was very fond of.

Either smothered in onions or in a ragout they are excellent.

I have had some ragout veal, and I mean to have some haricot mutton to-morrow.

In a similar way may be made currie (powder), ragout (spice), and several other similar wines used in the kitchen.

I can most solemnly assert that I never wish to taste a better dinner than a joint of a donkey or a ragout of cat—experto crede.

Haricot, har′i-ko, -kot, n. a kind of ragout or stew of mutton and beans or other vegetables: the kidney-bean or French bean.

Such as chose stew or ragout, ate it from a wooden bowl, scooping up the mess in their bare hands.