Rainier [adjective]

Definition of Rainier:


Synonyms of Rainier:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rainier:


Sentence/Example of Rainier:

"They ain't got to makin' calendars yet with the rainy day marked on 'em," he would say.

I went out into the warm and rainy night, but there was no Cadge at the Star office.

A dry wash is the bed of a river that runs only in the rainy season.

I am to get a long ladder and place it at his window the first dark and rainy night we have.

Such a one may thus be made on rainy days or in the long winter evenings.

Father's is worse 'n that; it takes him bad in rainy weather.

What a sly devil I was to stow that treasure away for a rainy day!

Here she came to play by herself on rainy days or when she did not care for company.

It was late in March, but the rainy season does not begin until about the last of May.

Well,” he said, “how did Kristy get through the rainy day that spoiled her picnic?