Rapscallions [noun]

Definition of Rapscallions:


Synonyms of Rapscallions:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rapscallions:


Sentence/Example of Rapscallions:

"We'll soon put an end to your coronets," said a rapscallion in the mob.

That man come heah the firs day, an I knowed hes a rapscallion.

Depend upon it, sir, unless the rapscallion rebels should catch and hang me up to one of the tall aiks o' the Chaudière.

This thing (pointing to Drinkwater) is the greatest liar, thief, drunkard, and rapscallion on the west coast.

What a rapscallion crew, male and female, followed this great mob of gold seekers, and grew richer as their victims grew poorer!

Call the rapscallion—no, I mean the diabolical villain—out and shoot him!

Why she married sech a rapscallion as Mahlon, I'll never tell you, an' I don't believe she knows herself.

I don't think he could have meant better than Rapscallion; he's awfully fond of that horse.

I 'm Captain of the Sea Gull, and there 's not a rapscallion on board who would risk his skull to help you.