Raptorial [adjective]
Definition of Raptorial:
eating, destroying for sustenance or without conscience
Synonyms of Raptorial:
Opposite/Antonyms of Raptorial:
Sentence/Example of Raptorial:
The other raptorial birds possess little to distinguish them from those of other countries.
To every migratory species of raptorial bird, that captures living quarry, there is a non-migratory counterpart or near relative.
Four raptorial birds are now seen about this, or rather three, for Gypaëtos has gone, viz.
Diurnal to crepuscular habits of this mouse may protect it from some of the nocturnal carnivorous mammals and raptorial birds.
Raptorial birds are known to be important predators on snakes.
The white-eyed buzzard is almost contemptible as a bird of prey; he is a raptorial degenerate, a mere loafer.
His long tail, slightly forked at the tip, suffices to distinguish him at a glance from all other raptorial birds.
I think we may say birds of light diet are all good, and draw the line at all carrion or raptorial birds.
It is my belief that vultures and other raptorial birds do not recognise in the screams of their victims the wails of pain.
No matter how large a raptorial bird be, if its claws are small and feeble, it feeds either upon carrion or tiny creatures.