Receivership [noun]
Definition of Receivership:
declaring bankruptcy
Synonyms of Receivership:
Opposite/Antonyms of Receivership:
Sentence/Example of Receivership:
It was during the receivership and there was no room for frills.
I'll take the receivership and you'll be the receiver's attorney, of course.
The receivership at once adopted a vigorous policy of improvement.
Dunton can't stand for a receivership, and Chadwick knows it.
Are you really going to spring the receivership on the Dunton people to-morrow?
"Then there is nothing for it but a receivership," was Raymer's gloomy decision.
They'll get them through a receivership, and after the panic's all over.
The receivership has been giving you enough to do; and the game, after all, is a hard one.
But when we get into the courts, Mr. Strauss, on a receivership, I go before the judge and tell the story.
He advised them of the receivership in terms which led them to believe that he had brought it about as a part of his own plans.