Recent [adjective]

Definition of Recent:


Synonyms of Recent:

Opposite/Antonyms of Recent:

Sentence/Example of Recent:

The consciousness of recent misconduct filled her with extreme dread.

The "state," as a matter of fact, is quite a recent invention.

I'm so agitated by recent events, that, that—indeed you must excuse me.

This river was not the least unique of our recent discoveries.

That this is wholly of recent growth, is not, of course, to be inferred.

I had undoubtedly brought on myself a fit of the "horrors," by my recent excesses.

No one was there—but the tent had the look of recent occupation.

Master Arthur repeated his recent refusal to pick at anything.

Since their recent return, our friend has yielded to a weekly visit, but that is the utmost.

In recent years we have established parish councils in our villages.