Rectors [noun]
Definition of Rectors:
Synonyms of Rectors:
Opposite/Antonyms of Rectors:
Sentence/Example of Rectors:
The nave, then as now, was the charge of the parish; the chancel, of the rector.
The rector is old; when the house is mine, you will not be long without the living.
She spoke of the American church in Rome, and asked Hewson if he knew the rector.
"It is coldish to-night, love," said the rector; and he put out the candle.
The Rector spoke with an obvious effort, got his hand off the page and closed the folio.
Nothing more was wanted to convince the Rector of all that he least wished to believe.
But the Rector felt that he was listening to the excuses of a serpent.
They rested now upon the bride, now upon the bridegroom, now upon the faces of the rector and his curate.
The Major could only see four faces;--the faces of the bride and bridegroom, the rector, and his curate.
Get me the rector of the parish—a vicar, a curate, something of that sort.