Regimentals [noun]
Definition of Regimentals:
coordinated outfit
Synonyms of Regimentals:
● Gown
● Regalia
● Attire
● Garb
● Costume
● Suit
● Robe
● Dress
● Habit
● Khaki
● Stripes
● OD
● Livery
Opposite/Antonyms of Regimentals:
Sentence/Example of Regimentals:
He stared at me, for I had on my regimentals, but I did not yet make myself known.
They were sent into the riding-school before they had had time to get their regimentals.
Turned up with facings on the cuffs and collars of uniforms and regimentals.
Showers of bullets had lifted his locks or pierced his regimentals.
The British officer was soon distinguished among them by his regimentals.
One of them told me that all the world should not laugh him out of his regimentals.
We are no cowards in regimentals, nor did we make our statement with a view of slandering the royal pensioner.
A man in regimentals in this weather and upon a desert island.
He laid off his regimentals, one of the guards told me, and put on a swell evening suit, and away he went.
A new suit of regimentals was in consequence procured and conveyed, without suspicion of sinister design, to the Captain.