Reinstatements [noun]
Definition of Reinstatements:
coming again
Synonyms of Reinstatements:
Opposite/Antonyms of Reinstatements:
Sentence/Example of Reinstatements:
Will not some public recognition of my reinstatement be necessary?
It ended with a plea for reinstatement or, failing that, for any sort of work.
In this case they contributed to the reinstatement of Mr. Bradshaw.
He tries no pretences with a view to her reinstatement, even on a par with himself.
Again, there is no explicit mention of the reinstatement of Niall.
No more for ever, for Heine, was there to be any reinstatement of the flesh.
Yetta wanted them to put in a clause demanding the reinstatement of Mrs. Cohen.
When Colonel Dunn succeeded to the office, Cox applied to him for a reinstatement.
He was recalled, and his reinstatement was ratified by a council .
They had had their offer of reinstatement courteously refused.