Reinvigorated [verb]

Definition of Reinvigorated:


Synonyms of Reinvigorated:

Opposite/Antonyms of Reinvigorated:

Sentence/Example of Reinvigorated:

Reinvigorated by our walk we returned in good heart to the inn.

It had sometimes been that by my strength I had reinvigorated his halting courage.

Mankind can only be reinvigorated if the strong and healthy are helped to come into their own.

And he took a draught of ale, like one who is reinvigorated for the battle of life.

Now these limbs, reinvigorated, cried out for active work as loudly as his hungry stomach cried for hearty food.

Reinvigorated by the fresh salt plunge, they resumed their draperies and walked slowly to the temple.

It was a quite composed and reinvigorated Helen who summoned Bower from his contemplation of the weather portents.

There is in his art, the great mediæval ideal rejuvenated and reinvigorated by the spirit of newer times.

But it was now a great French republican nation remade and reinvigorated, as any one could see.

A beaker of spiced wine, the like of which he had never drunk before, sent a thrill of reinvigorated life through his veins.