Relented [verb]
Definition of Relented:
die down; let up
Synonyms of Relented:
● Quit
● Slacken
● Relax
● Subside
● Soften
● Comply
● Give in
● Forbear
● Slow
● Ebb
● Wane
● Ease
● Drop
● Yield
● Fold
● Melt
● Fall
● Moderate
● Weaken
● Cave in
● Ease off
● Let go
● Give up
● Cool it
● Die away
● Give way
● Lay back
Opposite/Antonyms of Relented:
Sentence/Example of Relented:
Fate recognised that there would come a breaking-point, and relented in time.
He had relented, he had allowed his wife to save him; but he was angry in secret.
That meant that his mother had relented, and was anxious to have him home again.
But just before reaching the end of the path she relented, stopped, and went back to him.
But Madhusudan relented and let me off with just a taste of his pride-reducing power.
Mr. Balfour, at any rate, relented from his policy of more oppression.
Here Master Joseph relented—because he now felt certain of his game.
Mrs. Walton was the only one in whose favor he relented a little.
In a way they had relented towards her, but their shame of her remained.
The Leprechaun's fright was so genuine now that the Phoenix relented and let him go.