Reparation [noun]

Definition of Reparation:

compensation, amends

Opposite/Antonyms of Reparation:

Sentence/Example of Reparation:

I don't like the term "reparation," sir, except as a lever in the hands of counsel.

Ought you not to have exacted my admittance to the Comedie as a reparation for the insult?

I owe him reparation, and it shall be paid to the uttermost penny.

"You offered the only reparation in your power," he said at length.

Can you, from the brief minutes I have left, Eke out my reparation?

That must needs have been no slight injury that suggests such a reparation.

"Then you are aware that you owe me such a reparation," said he, in a voice tremulous with emotion.

Was it so very certain that I would insist upon this reparation?

And do you fancy that a morning call from you is the reparation for all this?

She first mars a man's fortune, and, by way of a reparation, she destroys her own.