Repetitions [noun]

Definition of Repetitions:

duplication; doing again

Opposite/Antonyms of Repetitions:

Sentence/Example of Repetitions:

The next day with its night, and the next, and the next were but repetitions of the first.

"Because I do not like repetitions," she answered, laughing.

The clumsiness of the style is exhibited in frequent mannerisms and repetitions.

Her repetitions marked the deep excitement that possessed her.

Then suddenly she ceased her repetitions and shook her head.

She replied that it would have been good but for the repetitions.

These repetitions were always marvels of accuracy of vividness.

It has an echo which gives back fifteen repetitions of the original sound.

Gerhardt rapped at the door, and after two or three repetitions, it was opened.

Her statement is mixed and disjointed and there are repetitions.