Replicas [noun]

Definition of Replicas:


Synonyms of Replicas:

Opposite/Antonyms of Replicas:

Sentence/Example of Replicas:

Every draw was like its neighbor, every rolling rise a replica of the next.

His Nell had left him in his daughter Nelly a replica of herself.

When he asked her what she wanted she replied "a replica of himself."

A replica is a copy of a work of art by the maker of the original.

Burroughs gazed at a replica of himself as he had been at Fort Macleod.

In many ways Sayil is a replica of Labna, but on a grander scale.

Nash chapel, a mile or so to the north, is almost a replica of Boraston.

New York does not aim to be a replica of any foreign metropolis.

You see, each family is a sort of replica, in miniature, of the State.

Nor can the replica be seen to full advantage in its present position.