Restitutions [noun]
Definition of Restitutions:
compensation, repayment
Synonyms of Restitutions:
Sentence/Example of Restitutions:
It is only just that you should make a restitution of the sum which you have taken.
To his eyes it looked more like an attempt at restitution than anything else.
Let us hope for a deliverance from his mercy, and wish for restitution in his benevolence.
What restitution could you have made if her back had been permanently injured?
It was inexorably opposed to the restitution of church property.
A decree for the restitution of conjugal rights was granted to her petition.
It ran thus, "Until the times of the Restitution of all things."
Bournisien defended it; he enlarged on the acts of restitution that it brought about.
If restitution was to be made, it must be made by the separate states.
Has wrong been done, and restitution to the extent of our ability not been made?