Restrooms [noun]
Definition of Restrooms:
Opposite/Antonyms of Restrooms:
Sentence/Example of Restrooms:
The attendant was standing at the counter when Nick came out of the restroom.
The appearance and atmosphere of the restroom should banish the dull sense of drudgery and evoke the gentler side of life.
Mrs. Kennedy had at that point gone into the restroom adjacent to the bedroom in the compartment.
The restroom and the kitchenette are now so generally established as to be past the stage of argument.
"When are you going to get that monstrosity out of our restroom," the little redhead in green coveralls was demanding.
Well, she went either to the restroom or into the filling station.
And I don't know whether she had got out to go into the restroom or what, but that's where she seen me instead of in Richardson.
Now, Mrs. Hunter, I want to try and find out—you said you saw this other woman walk into the restroom?